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Current Weight Loss Journey w/ MINIMAL EXERCISE!

Hey all – so here I am posting some extremely uncomfortable pictures of me being overweight yet progressing through towards my goal. I started this journey on 02/18/2019 by first cutting my calorie intake to no more than 1200 calories per day. I am currently keeping track of my calorie intake using the ‘My Fitness Pal’ app on my smartphone. This is an amazing app that lets you keep a diary of food you eat a day, tracks your weight and macro nutrient intake, as well as provides meal ideas, fitness tips, and much more. Link is provided below.
I provided my detailed progress below:

starting weight = 147.7 lbs.

Feb.-March 2019
-Cut out all fast-food (including Starbucks)
-Began minor calorie counting and drinking my coffee/espresso black (no cream)
-Increased my water intake to an average of 70 oz. per day
-Started working out at home via (Liift4 8 week workout plan)

-Incorporated Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) into my diet drinking 2 Tbsp in the AM & 2 Tbsp in the PM
-Went to local gym for 2 weeks using the elliptical & treadmill

starting weight = 142.2 lbs

-Incorporated Intermittent Fasting (IF) as part of my daily routine

starting weight = 141.2 lbs.

starting weight = 139 lbs

starting weight = 138.6 lbs

starting weight = 137.6 lbs

starting weight = 136.2 lbs

***My goal weight is 125 lbs. & to maintain this approximate weight as well as to live an overall healthier lifestyle. Stay tuned for future updates on my progress, meal ideas, and fitness routines in near future. I will also be posting a video on IF by the end of the week.

Thanks for watching! 🙂

My Fitness Pal App


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